RANAU: Kim Teck Cheong Consolidated Berhad (KTC) and CT Toys have collaborated to bring Christmas joy to 775 school children, aged 7 to 12 years old in the district.
KTC and CT Toys today contributed 3,400 buns and 1,125 mini toys to five schools, namely SK Don Bosco, SK Perancangan, SK Langsat, SK Bongkud and SK Narawang
The presentation of the contribution to each school, received by their respective headmaster, was witnessed by Ranau District Education Officer, Majus Munsing.
“With this current pandemic at least we can help these children to have the Christmas spirit through alms giving and give them a bit of joy,” said KTC Executive Director, Datuk Dexter Lau.
He also hopes more corporate companies will come forward to help in any ways they can to support these children. -pr/BNN
Lau (rear, second left) handed buns to the headmaster of SK Narawang (right) while KTC General Manager Sylvia Pius (Left) and District Education Officer, Majus Munsing (centre) looked on