KOTA KINABALU: The University College Sabah Foundation (UCSF) recently dissolved the Students’ Representative Council (SRC) for the 2022-2024 term following the conclusion of the previous term. Subsequently, a campus election was held to elect student representatives for the upcoming term.

The newly elected members of the Student Representative Council (SRC) for the 2023/2024 term are as follows:

– Lenley Gary Ambrose (President)

– Alexander Damian Ferdinand (Vice President)

– Dayang Nuren Shafena binti Mualim (Secretary)

– Firdha binti Abdul Mubin (Assistant Secretary)

– Fennex Lee Mejeh (Treasurer)

– Muhd Raqib Iman bin Abdul Ahmid (Exco of Residential, Welfare & Hospitality)

Meanwhile Dayangku Lailatul Nor Sa’adah binti Pengiran Masbah is (Exco of Residential, Welfare & Hospitality)

– Ratiqah Elyana Rudie Adie (Exco of Corporate Communication and Public Affairs)

– Aaron Dean Basiau (Exco of Sports and Recreation)

– Nurhikmattul Syiffa binti Haris (Exco of Sports and Recreation)

– Dayang Sharifah Raudhah binti Omar (Exco of Culture and Arts)

– Britney Cole George (Exco of Academic and Career)

– Nursyahshahira binti Junaidy (Exco of Personal Development and Humanities (PMI))

– Shalyvea Sarah Khivun (Exco of Personal Development and Humanities (PMK))

– Meredy Muriel Michael (Exco of Green Innovation & Entrepreneurship)

During the dissolution and election period, the President of UCSF’s SRC (2023-2024) expressed gratitude, saying, “I extend my heartfelt thanks to all my friends and UCSF students for entrusting me with the role of President of the Student Representative Council for the 2023/2024 session. ”

“I am grateful for the exceptional and dedicated team that supports me as we navigate the challenges ahead until the end of our term. Lastly, I congratulate the newly elected Student Representative Council for the 2024/2025 term and wish them the very best in their leadership endeavours.”-pr/BNN