PENAMPANG: Chief Minister Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Hajiji Haji Noor has instructed all local authorities throughout the state to be on high alert in view of the rainy season.

“Make sure all the drains are cleared up. Do not wait until it rains before taking action. We want to mitigate and must be prepared at all times,” he said after visiting flood victims at the Penampang Cultural Centre temporary shelter here today.

The Chief Minister said the State and Federal governments were very concerned
about those affected by flash floods and would assist all the victims.

“The State government sympathise with their plight so we are prepared to give an
emergency cash assistance of RM1,000 to each family at the Penampang Cultural

“The Federal government through the Minister of Entrepreneur Development and
Cooperatives of Malaysia Datuk Ewon Benedick who is Penampang MP would also be
lending a hand,” he said.

At the same time, the State government would also consider assisting those who are
not evacuated to the temporary shelter but whose houses have been badly damaged
by the floods.

Earlier, District Officer Francis Chong briefed the Chief Minister that at the moment there were 67 families involving 165 people seeking refuge at the temporary shelter since it was activated at 5.25 pm on Sunday.

He was also briefed that 11 villages around the Penampang district were submerged
due to the heavy downpour on Sunday.

One life was lost involving a woman who was swept by strong currents near the
roundabout in Donggongon during the flash flood.

Later, Hajiji accompanied by Ewon, State Secretary Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Safar
Untong, Assistant Works Minister Datuk Limus Jury and Internal Affairs and Research
Secretary Datuk Awang Shaminan Sahari toured flood situation at Kampung Tuavon
and Hungab. -pr/BNN