KOTA KINABALU: A Facebook posting bashing Christianity is detrimental to the peace and harmony enjoyed by Sabahans from various religious and ethnic background.

NGO Angkatan Perpaduan Sabah (APS) vice president Paul Kadau said the account with the photo of woman slandered christians in Sabah with her comments.

Among others the posting stated that Christians in Sabah are beggars that feed on hand outs from the government.

She also stated that funds acquired by the church from the government are used for sexual rituals.

“This is totally slanderous and blasphemous as the church is an institution that’s removed from politics and racial differences,”he said.

He stressed that this is a great insult to christians and Christianity especially when she stated that Christians and our Lord Jesus are cursed.

According to him, the woman attributed her statement to the Warisan government, also stating that 10 thousands has supported her statement.

The woman’s FB profile with birth year 1987 stated Lahad Datu as her hometown.

Paul said this irresponsible posting hurt the people of Sabah who live in harmony since time immemorial.

“We Sabahans of various ethnic groups and religious beliefs have been living together peacefully for a long time. It’s part of our culture. The remarks by this woman is irresponsible and can tarnish our reputation as the epitome of racial and religious tolerance.”

“We have never spoken ill or slandered our Muslim brothers and sisters like that. I’m sure most of our Muslim friends do not agree with her and are appalled by her ignorance.”

“We hope that this person will repent of this wrongdoing and think properly before putting out remarks like this.”

Paul said they would be lodging a police report on this matter soon.-pr/BNN