KOTA KINABALU: The cancellation of  the diesel subsidy for private vehicles will undoubtedly increase the burden on everyone in Sabah.
According to the Budget for 2024 presented in Parliament by the Prime Minister cum Finance Minister, the diesel subsidy for private vehicles will be eliminated next year. Once implemented, the retail price of diesel per litre will skyrocket from today’s RM2.15 to RM3.75.
Gee Tien Siong the Vice President of Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) in a statement said many residents in Sabah, especially those living in and commuting between mountainous areas, depend on private diesel vehicles for their daily lives. This also applies to villagers who deliver their farm products to the Tamu market daily.
The majority of these diesel vehicles are privately owned and not registered as commercial. They will undoubtedly be heavily affected, and it is evident that the prices of goods will rise once again, he said.
Meanwhile, the exchange rate of the Malaysian Ringgit to the US Dollar reached a historic low today (USD1 to RM4.78), and the trend does not seem to be improving.
People are very concerned about the challenging times that lie ahead, and private diesel vehicle owners are even less likely to replace their functioning vehicles during such a trying period.
The federal government’s decision to cancel the retail diesel subsidy is in direct opposition to the ideals of Madani and Rahmah.
“We hope the federal government will heed the voices of the people of Sabah and continue to subsidise retail diesel for private use.”-pr/BNN