Winter Solstice has been celebrated by the Chinese for a long time. This is when they eat dumplings and stuffed balls of glutinous rice. Of course they do not only eat these delectable but other sumptuous food as well.
In conjunction with this traditional celebration Tasty Wok of Venition is offering an eight-course dish for diners. The menu includes a serving of hot and cold combination platter, steamed corn-fed chicken with cloud ear fungus, deep fried pomfret with yellow bean sauce, seafood bakuteh, steamed prawn with chilli and garlic, stir fried fish cake in black pepper sauce, stir fried snap beans in fermented bean curd sauce and tang yuan sweet soup. The dishes are prepared by Chef Yew Beng Kooi and his team.
The package is at RM688+ for JD card members and RM788+ for non – members. Those who wish to dine at this restaurant are encouraged to book their table in advance. Those who wish to join the Jesselton Diners dining membership, may sign up by purchasing the card at RM47. They will then receive RM50 cash voucher (01 voucher) and enjoy 10% discount on a la carte order as well as able to acquire member price for selected promotional items.
Tasty Wok Venition which is popular with its Cantonese style dim sum is located at Jalan Lintas (Lido- Kepayan bypass) and opens daily from 8am to 12 midnight. This restaurant can accommodate up to 120 diners.
Information and reservations can be acquired from 088 728 188 or 729199.-pr/BNN