KOTA KINABALU: Parti Warisan Sabah offers an alternative to the long-delayed bus rapid transit (BRT) that will most likely charge higher fares.
Vice president, Junz Wong suggests addressing the haphazard “system” of mini bus transport in the State capital instead of opting for the BRT, which will further burden commuters with higher costs.
“I totally disagree with Abdul Rahman Dahlan’s suggestion that in order to have the BRT, Sabahans have to fork out higher fares. What should be done is to improve the existing network of mini-bus transport providers in Kota Kinabalu,” Junz told a gathering in Tanjung Aru today.
“Having been born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and one who has probably never taken public transport in his life, Rahman does not understand the plight of the ordinary Sabahan, who have no choice but to use mini-buses to move around.”
Junz, the incumbent Likas Assemblyman, said Parti Warisan had in place a public transport system which would be implemented once they form the next State government.
He said, as it is, there is no system and no effective enforcement of any kind and this shows how badly the Umno-led Barisan Nasional government has let down the ordinary people of Sabah.
“They have been in control for decades yet there is no proper public transport system. In the State capital, there is not even a proper bus terminal, so to speak. We see the town buses parked all over,” said Junz.
He said there must be great consideration given from the commuters’ perspective, and in this aspect, Parti Warisan leaders had spoken with daily commuters and industry players to see how best a coordinated and effective public transport system can be implemented in the shortest time possible.
According to Junz, in order for the public to have faith in public transport, there must be reliability on the part of the service providers – buses must show up on time in the first place.
“There must also be promptness; buses reach their destinations within a reasonable time and without speeding, while passenger convenience must be of utmost priority.
“Local authorities must also provide support too by ensuring roads are well maintained and there are adequate bus stops placed in suitable spots,” added Junz.
Junz said Rahman seemed to now be giving excuses for the BN’s failure to implement the BRT which was announced in early 2016, with the aim to solve the worsening traffic problems in the city.
This he said, was the standard operating procedure of BN caretaker ministers (or even when they held their respective portfolios) to give excuse after excuse when the government is unable to implement development projects due to shortage of money.
“The BN government is fond of making grandiose announcements on projects for Sabahans, which remain merely talk and this is done to try and hoodwink, time and again, the people of Sabah. I believe they have bluffed the rakyat for the last time,” Junz added.-pr/BNN