KOTA KINABALU: Chief Minister Datuk Seri Panglima Hj Mohd Shafie Apdal and several of his cabinet ministers celebrated Hari Raya by mingling with the crowd at the Istana today.
Earlier, the Chief Minister and his cabinet attended the annual Hari Raya open house hosted by Head of State, Tun Juhar Mahiruddin and his wife, Toh Puan Norlidah Tan Sri R.M. Jasni.
The event was held in two sessions starting from 10am to 11am for VVIPs and 11am to 1pm for the public.
Appearing relaxed and in fine mood, Tun Juhar extended his best wishes to the new government.
“This is the first time the Chief Minister and some of his cabinet ministers have joined me for the second part of the open house to celebrate this happy occasion with the people. It proves they are with the people and for the people. I am very glad they’re with me,” he said when addressing the crowd.
Cabinet ministers who remained for the second session of the open house were Deputy Chief Minister and Minister of Tourism, Culture and Environment, Christina Liew, Minister of Health and People’s Well-being, Stephen Wong and Minister of Youth and Sports, Frankie Poon.
After his brief address, Tun Juhar rendered two songs – One Night by Elvis Presley and Angin Malam made popular by Indonesian singer Broery Marantika.
He dedicated One Night to his wife and everyone present at the event.
Accompanying the Head of State on drums was his son, Al Hambra and the Sabah Cultural Board Combo.
Meanwhile, the public is invited to celebrate Hari Raya on Sunday June 17, at the Yayasan Sabah building. The event is hosted by the Chief Minister and the State Cabinet Ministers.-pr/BNN