Orangutan found dead in Kinabatangan river

The dead orangutan

KOTA KINABALU: A dead orangutan was seen drifting in Kinabatangan river on Sept 11 and reported to the Sabah Wildlife Department  (SWD).

A statement released by SWD stated that staff of Kinabatangan Wildlife Office and Honorary Wildlife Warden from HUTAN begin a search for the orangutan carcass after they were informed about the matter.

The search team recovered the orangutan carcass about 500 meters from its initial location reported on the same day.

Based on the post-mortem result,  the female orangutan, aged 30 years old had a physical wound on its abdomen, shoulder and foot.

Three (3) gun pellets were also discovered inside its body. The orangutan died due to massive internal bleeding from the gunshots.

Police report was lodged and the case is investigated under Section 25 (1) Wildlife Conservation  Enactment 1997 for hunting animals listed in Part 1 Schedule 1. The Sabah Wildlife Department urges anyone with information regarding this case to contact the Officer In-Charge of Kinabatangan Wildlife Office immediately.-pr/BNN