Imelda Alberto has been in the hotel line for about 25 years. She has vast experience in this field as she has worked up from the ranks and files to her present position as Associate Director of Sales at Klagan Regency 1Borneo, Kota Kinabalu.
Having worked in various hotels ranging from ‘un-starred’ to five stars throughout her tenure in the industry, she is very well versed in the duties of hoteliers in both the management level and ranks and files.
Her passion in the industry is such that she has not worked any way else except in the hospitality and arguably in the tourism industry. It is common knowledge that this kind of job is not easy and require long hours. Those who wish to embark on a career in this line may have to think long and hard before taking up the challenges, especially if they have a family.
For Imelda, who hails from Tuaran, it is all a matter of time management.
“From the minute I arrive in my work place, I will do my work and make sure that everything that I set out to do that day is done. I work hard, and I give my full energy in my tasks.”
“However, when it is time for me to go home, I will do so immediately. If I do not have anything more to do for the day I will not linger, for I know I have my family waiting for me. Is my work done? No, work will always be there, regardless of whether I finish an assignment today, tomorrow there will be more to do,” she shared, adding that if there is nothing more to do next day and the next, there is something seriously wrong somewhere.
After work, she spends her time with her two children aged 16 and 9. During the weekend, she goes shopping with them and eat out together. Sometimes she will go to a karaoke session with them. That is her family-bonding time.
Imelda is not only family oriented but a marathon-buff as well. She simply loves running. She runs in marathons and will join in any such events when she can. She does not go for mountain running and extreme sports, though.
Speaking on the duties of hotel frontliners, she said that they need to be knowledgeable and aware of tourism products and places of importance as well as interest around them so they can help their guests more, especially about directions and sites.
“They should take the time to garner the knowledge so that they can serve their costumers well. They can also help by giving out brochures and pamphlets available at the counters.”
She stated that frontliners in all the hotels she worked for had always been polite, helpful and professional in their dealings with guests and visitors. She believes that this is due to their training and natural friendliness.
On some comments that hotel receptionists and other frontliners are more pleasant to foreigners especially Caucasians, as compared to locals or Asians, she said this is not true.
“I have never seen any discrimination in treatment between locals, Asians and Caucasians. This is a sentiment that is outdated and no longer exist in the industry, if it has ever existed in the first place,” she stressed.
Interesting views from Imelda, the Klagan Regency 1Borneo’s new Associate Director of Sales.-ce/BNN