A Wedding ceremony is the most cherished part of a couple’s history. This is the time when they show their family and friends their commitment to one another, publicly. This is the time when they focus on their love for each other.
Needless to say, they dress up splendidly for the occasion as for most its being the ‘couple of the day’. To boot this, the reception is expected to be flawlessly beautiful with everything in place, including decorations, tables and seats and of course the wedding dais.
In the olden days parents were usually roped in to organise the reception and to prepare the food. They would be buying clothes to sew and afterwards food to cook, and drinks to serve. Needless to say, they would be extremely tired before the day was over and could not really enjoy the reception.
Nowadays though, there are one stop bridal centres to cater to the occasion’s every need. The couple and their parents can just pop into the establishment and tell the planners what they want and the planners will do it for them.
One such establishment is Life Bridal sited in Kepayan. This establishment provides services for pre-wedding and the wedding itself.
Spokesperson for the establishment, Patricia Braganza shared that Life Bridal has been operating for the last 13 years and served more than 1000 weddings throughout the State as well as Sarawak.
“Life Bridal has an enthusiastic team that are committed in according our clients the best services in terms of bridal attire rental, videos, frames for photoshoot, make up and albums, among many others.”

According to her, their packages have a competitive advantage due to the professionalism of all involved including 60 odd staff.
On weddings, she shared that December seemed to be a popular time for weddings although school holidays also see a peak for such events.
Those who wish to hold a wedding reception and want Life Bridal to handle their wedding dress, photographs and videos, they could just walk in and inquire, Patricia said.
Life Bridal was a participant in the Bridal Fair held at Klagan Regency 1Borneo recently. She said it was a good experience and exposure for their company.
“We have participated in many similar events and I believe it is always good for us. We received many inquiries and confirmed clients during such occasions,” she said.
Those who wish to acquire Life Bridal services may call 088 243633 for more information.-ce/BNN