A professional wedding planner is best sought out when a couple who wants to tie the knot want help with their wedding’s design, planning and management. As the event is of great significant to a couple, they want it to be well organised without putting in long hours into sourcing all sorts of things for the auspicious day.
One of the wedding planner available in Kota Kinabalu is the Zara Wedding Concept. Sited in Kingfisher, Sulaman, they have been operating for the last nine years. Through the years they have taken care of thousands of weddings from Kota Belud right down to Papar.
Spokesperson for the establishment, Nurulhafeeza Saikim shared that they have planned various types of weddings throughout the years. This include theme weddings for Chinese, Malay and Non-Muslim.

“We cater to any sort of wedding reception such as ballroom, garden and home based wedding,” she shared adding that they specialised in custom made wedding dais or pelamin for their guests.
“They just have to sit with us and discuss what sort of pelamin they want and we will ensure that they are happy with our end product.”
In fact they cater to their clients from their engagement onward. There is an engagement package which should be really looked into by potential clients. The package ensures that everything is taken care of including decorations for gifts.
Overall, the establishment accord their clients various services such as weddings packages, custom made wedding dais, photography and door gifts. Besides that they also look into hand bouquet in both artificial and fresh flowers, gifts or hantaran decorations and bridal room decorations among others.
Nurul said that clients are encouraged to talk to them about their wedding plans and requirements a couple of months in advance for special theme, but a couple of weeks suffice for simpler designs.
“If we have all the materials and we don’t need to source for extra items, we can do it very fast,” she stressed.
She said that weddings usually occurred at the end of the year or during school holidays and encouraged those who needed their services to come in early.
Zara wedding concept exhibited their wares at the Klagan Regency 1Borneo Bridal Fair recently. Nurul said it was good exposure for them as well as a strategic business move to promote their services.
She added that there were several confirmed clients seeking their services during the exhibition.
More information on Zara’s services can be acquired at 0168816763.-ce/BNN