The holy month of Ramadan is here again and the faithful will be fasting for the whole month. Fasting started on May 6 and from then on, they will abstain from food from dawn to dusk.
This is a time when families dine together, giving thanks to the food and the fact that they managed to fast for the day. This is also the time when mothers, wives and caregivers or maids cook for the whole family. Home cooked meals are of course commendable and healthy.
However there may be a time when one gets too tired to cook,or be late from the office or just caught up in traffic when breaking of fast nears. This is the time when one wish for a nice, cosy place to break the fast and eat at leisure without having to slave in the kitchen before hand.

One of the best place to go and dine in this manner is the The Pacific Sutera Hotel, in Kota Kinabalu. They have transform their grand ballroom into a dining area. You can be assured of the ambiance here, with spacious layout and cool air conditioning within the area. You can also dine outside the ballroom, which is comfortably warm.
There is tremendous array of food on the buffet table that you can be just spoiled for choice. The best thing to do is of course to start from the salads to the mains and then to the desserts.
According to their chef Kee Roesdyen, they have about 40 dishes and many side dishes for their guests. They have 10 food stations including barbecue lamb outside of the ballroom.

They offer meats cooked in various appetising way; chicken, fish and vegetables. There are also salads, fried items and various types of fruits and cakes as well as biscuits.
The Ramadan buffet starts at 6pm and ends at 10.30pm. For those who wish to come and dine with a group of friends, they can just walk in as the ballroom can accomodate up to 450 people at any one time. However, if you are hosting more than 450 people you may have to call them a day in advance, at least.

The fusion food will be maintained until the end of Ramadan so if during your first visit you did not manage to taste all the food, you will be able to taste the rest in your next visit. You should bring friends and family with you as the food is good, the ambiance is pleasant and the staff serving you are friendly.
The buffet is going at RM128 per adult and RM64 for children aged 12 to 6 years.
More information can be acquired from 088 318 888.-ce/BNN