MEMBAKUT: Sabah BERSATU urges the people in Sabah to become the strong point for rejecting any action or approach to bring in extreme racialp political elements.
Sabah BERSATU Chief, Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Hajiji Haji Noor, said
Sabah has long been recognised as model of racial unity and harmony in

He said the race diversity in Sabah with over 30 ethnic groups and 50
languages has never become an obstacle for living together peacefully.
“The unique and exceptional feature of Sabah need to be preserved and
appreciated by every people in Sabah.
“Apart from maintaining the practise of recognising, accepting and
respecting each other races, the community in Sabah need to always
practise the moderate approach and avoid extremism, including in
political movement,” he said.
He said this at the Sabah BERSATU Leadership’s Jelajah Programme at
Kimanis Division-level held at Dewan Sri Wawasan, Kampung Pimping,
Sabah BERSATU Deputy Chief, Datuk Seri Panglima Masidi Manjun, Sabah
Bersatu Treasurer cum Kimanis Bersatu Division Chief, Datuk Haji Mohd
Arifin Haji Mohd Arif, Sabah Bersatu Srikandi Chief, Datuk Hajah
Azizah Mohd Dun, Sabah Bersatu ARMADA Chief, Encik Mohd Isquzawan
Israq Arsit and other division chiefs were also present.
Hajiji, who is also Sulaman Assemblyman, said political differences
should not be the cause for us cannot live as a community and be
He said this unfortunate situation can happen if we allow extreme
racial politics to breed in and become a disease in Sabah.
He stressed that Sabah BERSATU is disappointed that of late there are
external element outside Sabah which tends to promote and spread
extreme racial politics.
Hajiji said race factor being made a political modal to raise anger
and hate among the people and thus hoping to benefit from it in the
form of political support.
“In deed there is nothing wrong to fight for the interests of their
respective race like BERSATU which is the platform for the indigenous
“But what is worrying is that when each thing is being turned into a
racial political issue. Disastrously there is a tendency to deliberately create a racial issue that can have negative effect on the existing unity and sows hatred between the different races,” he
In that regard, Sabah BERSATU urges members to invite the people in
Sabah to become the strong point to reject such extreme racial politics.
“We need to “export” the existing racial harmony in Sabah as an
example for those outside there, and not “importing” any form of
extreme racial politics into this State.
“It should start from the beginning because prevention is better than
curing and racial conflict that can have a disastrous effect to all
and in fact no one will benefit from it,” he stressed.
Meanwhile, Hajiji also received 700 membership application forms from
Kimanis Division apart from joining the Sabah BERSATU leadership in
cake-cutting ceremony to celebrate the third anniversary of BERSATU.
About 1500 people attended the Jelajah programme.-pr/BNN