LAHAD DATU: The people of Sabah are urged to join and take part in the Sabah Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (BERSATU) struggles.

Sabah BERSATU Chief, Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Hajiji Hajj Noor, said as a new political platform in Sabah, BERSATU brings in an inclusive political approach for all communities in Sabah, especially the indigenous people.
“Since its inception, BERSATU has given recognition to the indigenous community in Sabah, as stated in the party’s constitution itself.
“This makes BERSATU a national-level party that ensure the position of the Sabah indigenous is placed appropriately and precisely with the spirit and principles of the Federal Constitution and Sabah State Constitution,” he said.
He said this at the Sabah BERSATU Leadership’s Jelajah programme at Lahad Datu division held at Dewan Tun Mustapha, today.
Hajiji said compared with other national political parties that tends to refer to the classifications of Malay and bumiputera in general, Clause 2 of BERSATU Constitution specifically defined that indigenous covers the indigenous people and natives of Sabah.
While Clause 6.4 outlined the commitment to protect the special position of the natives of Sabah, as also enshrined within the Federal Constitution, as one of the purpose and objective of the party struggles.
“This shows that since its inception, BERSATU has been shaped by taking into account the aspiration of the community in Sabah. BERSATU become a party that include the national and local aspiration and identity.
“Thus, one of the priorities of Sabah BERSATU is to ensure the party continue to be on the same line with the struggles outlined in the party’s constitution, especially in matter related to the rights and interests of the people of Sabah and the State.
“This include matters related to the Malaysia Agreement 1963, equality in development, state security and the illegal immigrant issue,” he stressed.
Hajiji, who is also Sulaman State Assemblyman, said at the same time we must strive together to preserve and protect the national interests and unity.
“The Federation sovereignty and wholeness are core of shared prosperity,” he added.
He also reiterated his earlier call for the people of Sabah to think from a wider perspective and be far-sighted, based on “Sabah for Malaysia” and “Malaysia for Sabah”.
He said Sabah needed good and strong relation with the Federal Government for the future progress and prosperity of this State.
“Only when there is strong ties and collaboration between the State and Federal Governments, Sabah can enjoy continuous development as well as guaranteed security,” he stressed.
Sabah Bersatu Deputy Chief, Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Masidi Manjun, Sabah Bersatu Secretary, Datuk Seri Dr. Ronald Kiandee, State Armada Chief, Encik Mohd Isquzawan Israq Datuk Arsit, Lahad Datu Bersatu Division Chief, Haji Abdul Hakim Gulam Hassan, and his Deputy Chief, Datuk Haji Yusuf Haji Sarangit, Aljen Johnny (Lahad Datu Bersatu Vice Chief), Lahad Datu Srikandi Chief, Puan Mizma Haji Appehdullah, and Lahad Datu Armada Chief, Encik Mohd Naraazri Hassan, were also present.-pr/BNN