KOTA KINABALU: Sabah Journalist Association (SJA) annual gathering with REPSOL allow oil and gas players to build a better personal and working relationship with the media.

President Datuk Muguntan Vanar said the fun gathering in a treasure hunt today enhanced rapport among them.

REPSOL is not new to the press as they have had many gathering and press conferences with the oil and gas company, over the years, he said in his speech during the event.

According to him, the press interacted with them in many corporate social responsibility project that has helped many Sabahans.

“Some of these REPSOL CSR projects have good human interests stories to tell apart from corporate news stories. All us here can help highlight some of the interesting stories,” he said.

One of the events he mentioned was the establishment’s assistance to single mothers who wanted to be entrepreneurs.

He also expressed his appreciation to REPSOL and Datuk Eddie Abdulllah Government and Community Relations
Advisor for Sabah/Labuan
REPSOL and Oil and Gas Malaysia for his constant support for the event.-BNN