The core reason is obvious. So that the Chief Minister of the day does not have to overcome the real head aches of a TYT who expects or wishes to be re-appointed beyond two terms. Each term is four years.
In December 2018, the term limit stipulated in Article 2(3) of the constitution was abolished. Legally, the TYT may now remain as TYT for life. No amount of assurances by the Chief Minister of the day will satisfy the people that the removal of the term limit is as noble as claimed.
It does not matter who Chief Minister or who the TYT is. It is the office of the TYT that we must protect.
It was not in the Warisan or PH or BN or Gabungan Sabah or any other party election manifesto that the two-term limit on the TYT post will be removed. Why then, was the term limit removed? –
Datuk Yong Teck Lee
SAPP President, Ex-Chief Minister, lawyer
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