KOTA KINABALU:. The blame put on the new Perikatan Nasional federal government for the delay in handing back SESB (Sabah Electricity Sdn. Bhd.) to Sabah is another silly excuse by the Warisan care taker Chief Minister to intensify his fight with the Prime Minister. Such unprovoked hostility by the Warisan leader can only hurt Sabah’s economic recovery and wider interests.
*Only a matter of time*
Like the return of Labuan to Sabah, the return of SESB to Sabah is only a matter of time. What are the terms and conditions that Sabah has put forward to take back SESB? Every economic planner knows that the key issue in power generation is financial viability. I am aware that the current Sabaha cabinet ministers are so incapable of understanding the issues of electric power generation that the Sabah government had to consult an ex-BN minister.
As a start, Sabah must get the best terms and conditions, such as regulatory powers and the cost of oil and gas to be supplied to SESB. This was a key issue when SAPP and Gabungan Sabah formulated the GE14 manifesto in 2018 to take back SESB.
But with the dismal performance of the Warisan State government so far, there is every likelihood that Warisan would mess up SESB like the way it had messed up the Water Department.
*Mahathir move, not Sheraton move, brought down PH government*
A DAP ex-federal minister, Yeo Bee Yin, has blamed the delay in the return of SESB on the so-called “Sheraton move”. This is an insult to the intelligence of Sabahans because everyone knows that the cause of the fall of the Pakatan Government was the resignation of the 7th Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir. In a span of four days from February 24 to 27, DAP MPs had switched support from Dr. Mahathir to Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim back to Dr. Mahathir. It was that disgraceful internal power struggle that brought down the Pakatan government.
Yeo Bee Yin, who is rushing to the rescue of the sinking Warisan government, had also claimed, in her social media posts, that the Penang Undersea tunnel project “not a cent paid”.
The truth is that RM208 million have been paid for the highways FEASIBILITY STUDIES.
*Papar dam and Penang tunnel connection*
It is therefore timely for DAP leaders such as Yeo Bee Yin to shed some light on the connection between the controversial RM3 billion Papar Dam and the controversial RM6.3 billion Penang Undersea tunnel. It has been reported that the company selected by the Sabah Water Department to undertake the Papar dam project is linked to the Penang Undersea tunnel project.
Since Warisan government ministers have maintained a strange silence on the matter, ex-federal Minister Yeo Bee Yin should help the Warisan care taker Chief Minister explain to Sabahans about the possible link between the Papar Dam and the Penang Underseas tunnel projects.

Sabahans were earlier shocked by the revelation of the Pakatan Minister for Water, Xavier Jayakumar, who had disclosed in the Senate, on 19 December 2019, that the Sabah government had appointed a company to undertake the Papar dam project using the PFI (Private Finance Initiative). Minister Xavier had told Senate that “since the appointment of the company had been made before approval was given, the implementation of the project will be borne by the State government.” What is the real reason that the Sabah government rushed to select the Papar dam company to the extent of forgoing federal funding? What is the real reason for Warisan to break its water tight promise to cancel the Kaiduan/Papar dam?
Datuk Yong Teck Lee
SAPP President