KOTA KINABALU: A businessman has launched a car sticker campaign here Sunday in support of Chief Minister Datuk Seri Panglima Hajiji Haji Noor and Sabah’s call for leniency of the current Movement Control Order (MCO) standard operating procedures (SOP).
Joe Ang personally sponsored for 1,000 car stickers to be produced depicting the photo of Hajiji with a slogan “Rumah Kita, Kita Jaga (Our House, We Look After)”.
He handed over the car sticker to Thompson Teo from Tom’s Auto Solutions and other friends who shared the same view.
According to Ang, the Chief Minister is correct in deciding and recently announcing the measures namely, the SOPs to manage the spread of Covid-19 in Sabah by striking a balance between the need to protect the health of the people and their right to livelihood.
“Hence, the Chief Minister deserves the full and unequivocal support of the people across the board in deciding what is best for Sabah.
“We believe that the Chief Minister must have fully considered the prevaling conditions brought about by the pandemic before coming to a decision.
“We stand by the decisions taken by the Chief Minister because as the ‘rakyat’, we recognise that he has felt our pulse right,” he said.
He said while they acknowledged that the Federal Government is doing its utmost best in curbing the pandemic, they believe that Sabah has her own peculiarities and therefore, should not be treated simply like the rest of the country in managing the pandemic merely for the sake of uniformity and administrative convenience.
“This is especially so given the fact that Sabah (and Sarawak) are entities within the country with their own autonomous and inherent powers, unlike the other states of Malaysia.
“As such, it has to be recognised that Sabah must be accorded the privilege to decide what is best for the State and her people in every circumstance and the management of Covid-19 is no exception.
“We call for the full support of the Federal Government in supporting the initiatives and decisions made by the State in our efforts to combat the pandemic and we believe that it will do so for the good of Malaysians in Sabah,” he said, adding this is not the time for controversies as the lives and the livelihoods of the people are at stake.
“We hereby reiterate that we stand by the decisions of the Chief Minister on this matter and humbly urge all parties to be in solidarity with us in going through these challenging times,” he said.
The Federal Government has been keeping silent about the new SOP for Sabah which had been submitted by the State Government for gazettement.
The new SOP for Sabah was made following the State Government decision to allow certain economic and social activities to resume operation, including restaurants and eatery premises which are allowed dine-in customers. – pr/BNN