KOTA KINABALU; Archive records of culture and traditions  are most valuable for the Preservation and protection of local heritage.
Majella (left) presenting Anna Vivienne with a memento
In this respect  Anna Vivienne’s book on local taboos and Supernatural beliefs are commendable and supported by the Archives.
Archive Director Majella Tan Marquez said contributions of such books are welcomed by the Archives.
Speaking after a talk on the book ‘Hauntings and Ghostly Whispers’ by its author Anna Vivienne, Majella stressed that these contributions augmented their present collections.
“We however hope that the contributors state their particulars especially how they want their documents utilised by interested members of the public.”
On Anna Vivienne’s book and sharing, Majella stressed that it gave an insight on the taboos and Supernatural beliefs of the
Dusun people.
“The fiction itself make the book interesting reading. But since they’re pegged on local beliefs, they deserved to be archived so generations to come can excess them.”
Anna Vivienne’s two books are garnered from stories she heard from the past, from her grandmothers, both paternal and maternal.
She  said they were good strorytellers, often telling her cousins, siblings and her, these stories in the evenings around a kerosene lamp.
She would hear of people in ancient villages going around in their everyday life, or of warriors and headhunters, water spirits and magical land.
She would be told never to whistle at night, not to imitate bird calls in the night or be disrespectful when passing by banyan trees and many many more.
“My two books deserved to be archived so that the story of the past that made up the lifestyle of the people are preserved for those who are interested in these information,” Anna Vivienne said.
The book is based on real belief with fictitious characters. The fiction itself make the book interesting reading, she said.
She hoped movie makers of the genre would pick up her stories, she said when asked about her hopes for her books.
Two of her books entitled ‘Strange Magic and Supe natural Encounters’ and ‘Hauntings and Ghostly Whispers’ can now be viewed at that Sabah State Archives.
The talk was attended by Archives Management team, members of The Ranau Dusun ethnic Group and members of KDMR writers (Momogunsia) as well as members of Sabah Tourist Guide Association (STGA). -BNN