KOTA BELUD: Kadamaian Assemblyman Datuk Ewon Benedick said he will continue to focus on the development of houses of worship in his constituency.
He said that the need for the development was among the things that was raised by the Kadamaian people.
Speaking at the Gaur Advent Primary School (SRA) New Year Celebration and Thanksgiving Ceremony today, Ewon said this includes the need for infrastructure and utility development.
“During my last visit to Gaur SDA Church before the Covid-19 pandemic and the Movement Control Order (MCO), I channeled an allocation to build an open hall for the church which is also used by SRA Gaur.
“After two years of not being able to celebrate the New Year, we are now able to use the hall facilities that were built from the allocation I provided earlier.
“I noted the joint facility needs of the SDA Church and the SRA Gaur school raised to me and I agreed to allocate RM60,000 for the completion of this hall and to build a concrete car path in the church area,” he asserted.
Also present during the ceremony were Kota Belud MP Isnaraissah Munirah Majilis, Kadamaian Community Development Leader (PPM) Demis Rumanti and Kadamaian Assembly Chief Communications Officer Carlye Lajimin.
Besides attending the SRA Gaur School’s New Year 2023 celebration, Ewon who is also the federal minister of entrepreneur development and cooperative spent time enlivening the church’s new year celebration.
During the programme, he also agreed to channel an allocation of RM40,000 to the church to improve the needs of the building.
Previously, Ewon had channeled a personal donation of RM3,000 to replace the church’s dilapidated windows.
At the same time, he also encouraged church members and villagers to engage in entrepreneurship including small enterprises, hawkers and small businesses in the village.
“I always remember my responsibilities as the Kadamaian and Penampang people’s representative where I am currently stationed as the Federal Minister of Entrepreneur Development and Cooperative. I hope that the people in this area will also participate in the entrepreneurial sector as in other areas throughout the country,” he said.-ends