KOTA KINABALU: The Rotary District 3310 through Rotary Club Kota Kinabalu South, handed over about 3,000 pcs of fabric face masks to 4 secondary schools in Tamparuli.
The secondary school were SMK Tamparuli, SMK Tenghilan, SMK St James and Sekolah Advent Sabah.
The face masks were officially handed over to the respective school representatives on 13 July 2023, by Datin Hjh Maliana Ugau, wife of YB Datuk Jahid Jahim, Tamparuli State Assemblyman.
Immediate Past District 3310 Chair on Community Services, Datuk Dr Hjh Tarsiah TZ Hj Taman shared that Datuk Jahid Jahim personally donated RM5k, and topped up with RM2k from the Rotary funds for this project which was mooted during DG Dolly Yeap’s tenure 2021-2022.
The face masks were sewn by selected women from Tamparuli. Present at the event were President Kien Lie, PE Carlwin Yee and VP Ling of Rotary Club KK south, as well as the representatives from the four schools Ramli Suang of SMK Tenghilan Rosli Ismail of SMK Tamparuli , Jaldy Dadai of SM SASS Tamparuli and Angelina Ebun of SMK St James Tenghilan.-pr/BNN