KOTA KINABALU: Four finalists from Sabah are participating in the Miss World Malaysia 2023 competition along with 10 other contestants from all over the country.

Held in Sabah, the four finalists involved are Ellesha Meschille, Shu Wen Chai, Soen Tan and Yvete Jace,, each with a charming personality and an interesting mission.
Issues related to education, children and animal welfare are among the missions that the four of them want to fight for in order to win the title of Miss World Malaysia this time.

On Friday, all the finalists who had just arrived in Kota Kinabalu were celebrated in a dinner held at The Crab House Seafood Restaurant, Kota Kinabalu.
During their stay here, they would be accorded various experiences including island hopping, charity and welfare works as well as touching base with the local community.
Also present at the relaxed ceremony to introduce all the finalists of Miss World Malaysia 2023 were the Deputy President of the Sabah United Chinese Chamber of Commerce (USCCC), Kapitan Datuk Jimmy Tham Yuk Leong and the owner of The Crab House Seafood Restaurant, Ken Oh.
Other contestants for Miss World Malaysia 2023 are Adlyn Jayne Andrew, (Selangor), Lyna Tan (Selangor), Maria Misha (Sarawak), Natalie Ang (Penang), Priya DK (Selangor), Rebecca Shalom (Johor), Saroop Roshi (Perak), Sisnitha (Penang), Vaishanavi (Selangor) and Xiao Zi (Pahang).
Meanwhile, HyperLive Festival Malaysia as the organiser of Miss World Malaysia 2023 said, the reality show including the preliminary programme would be held from 18 to 24 August, followed by the culminating event at the Sabah International Convention Center (SICC) on 25 August.
The Chief Minister, Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Haji Haji Noor would be the guest of honor at Miss World Malaysia 2023 to be held next Friday.
The HyperLive Festival Malaysia Charity Gala and the Awards Dinner would be held at the Pacific Sutera Ballroom on 26 August.-BNN