LAHAD DATU: The POIC investor community here is hailed for promoting civic-mindedness and values of empathy through their consistent part in a local blood donation campaign.

Since its first campaign launched on 23rd November 2021 POIC Lahad Datu, the PEMA Blood Donation Drive has consistently exceeded expectations, showcasing the community’s spirit and willingness to support life-saving efforts.

The first drive set an ambitious target of 100 donations, attracting 143 eligible donors, and has since continued to grow in both awareness and impact. The latest campaign gathered 72 pints of blood.

“You deserve the highest praises for your role in giving blood, promoting the noble deed of giving blood and being role models of great public service spirit,” said Dr Thiaggu Palan, Unit Perubatan Transfusi of the Lahad Datu District Hospital here.

The hospital’s blood Bank had just completed a two day blood donation campaign with companies operating in the POIC Lahad Datu industrial park organised under the auspices of the POIC Emergency Mutual Aid (PEMA).

PEMA was initiated by POIC Sabah Sdn Bhd, the state-owned company that develops and manages POIC Lahad Datu.

Dr Thiaggu praised PEMA for the nineth consecutive blood donation campaign that had been a big help to the local blood bank.

“POIC is leading a commendable programme that has grown to become a major blood contributor, saving lives and promoting the example of doing public good,” he said.

“We are grateful for the way PEMA has evolved,”  Lynette Hoo, Deputy Chief Executive remarked.

“Not only have many of our staffers become regular blood donors, this noble exercise for public good has also united us in a common purpose and brought our community closer for our mutual good.”

PEMA started in 2021 with expert guidance from the Department of Fire and Rescue. Membership comprises volunteers drawn from companies within POIC Lahad Datu. They are trained by the Fire and  Rescue personnel to become first responders to emergencies at their work places refresher courses are regularly held to ensure PEMA members’ competence  and preparedness.-pr/BNN