KUALA LUMPUR: The Federation of Chinese Associations Malaysia (Huazong) has proposed the government to clearly indicate ‘the type of school’ (based on race ratio) that has been earmarked for lands reserved for education purposes, in its development master plans.

Proposing this, its President Tan Sri T.C Goh opines that such a systematic approach is necessary and crucial towards the preservation and development of vernacular education in the country, besides avoiding unnecessary confusion and dispute, in future.

He noted that, often, in the government development master plans, it only indicates that a certain area had been reserved for education purposes i.e. for development of primary or secondary schools, but without clearly stating ‘the type of school’.

He cited for example, the government in its planning involving a Chinese majority area, should clearly indicate lands which have been reserved for development of Chinese primary schools, instead of just denoting that they have been “reserved for development of primary schools”, which may cause unnecessary confusion and dispute, in future.

He thus hoped the Ministry of Local Government and Housing together with the Ministry of Education could take serious note of such a flaw, and to take immediate action to rectify it, in order to ensure a fairer and more systematic approach in the development of vernacular education in the country.

He contended that, if there was a clear and systematic approach in indicating the type of school designated for the land set aside by the government, the ongoing dispute and controversy over the construction of SJK(C) Too Joon Hing, in Bandar Kinrara, Puchong, Selangor could have been avoided.

In his response to the said issue, Goh lamented that while both the government and the opposition always preached about the importance of a systematic and professional approach in developing the nation and its education development, it is nonetheless unfortunate and regrettable that our education development has always been politicized and racialised.

“This should be seriously looked into and rectified,” he underscored.

He also expressed regret over the politicization and racialisation of the proposed construction of SJK(C) Too Joon Hing by certain groups, recently.

On the proposal of some quarters that the proposed school should be replaced with a national primary school for students of various races, he quipped: “Why can’t it be maintained for a Chinese primary school which caters to all races?”.

To better illustrate his point, Goh also is also the President of Federation of Chinese Associations Sabah (FCAS) pointed out that, currently there are about 20% of non Chinese/Bumiputera students studying in Chinese primary schools, throughout the country. This clearly indicated that Chinese primary schools are well-received by non Chinese parents.

“Likewise, in some areas, we have Chinese parents who enrolled their children in the national primary schools, and this is indeed our unique feature as a multiracial nation,” he said.

He went on to note that, in the case of SJK(C) Too Joon Hing, its proposed construction was both necessary and justified, as currently Bandar Kinrara which is a Chinese-majority area, is without a Chinese primary school, while the nearby Chinese primary school has exceeded its capacity.

He added that its proposed construction was finally approved, after having gone through evaluations of three governments, hence there shouldn’t be any doubts or objections to it.

Goh also urged the government to approve the application for exemption of the RM60,000 land premium applied by the Building Committee of SJK(C) Too Joon Hing, besides allocating funds for its construction, so as to help alleviate the financial burden of Chinese community towards completing the project on schedule.

  • He reiterated that it is necessary and important that the government institutionalise funding for schools of various types in the country, so as to ensure a systematic approach in implementing education development for the nation.-pr/BNN