KOTA KINABALU: The Chief Conservator of Forests, Datuk Frederick Kugan, presented the 262-page 2022 Annual Report of the Sabah Forestry Department to  Chief Minister of Sabah during the State’s Forestry Appreciation Ceremony in Kota Kinabalu on 26 June, 2023.

This report can be accessed at the tip of your finger on your smartphone. In just one click on the ‘Table of Contents page’, the user can go directly to the selected title. The report showcases all project implementations, activities and achievements of the department throughout the year. It is the Key Performance Index (KPI) or the report card of the department.

According to the Chief Conservator of Forests, Datuk Frederick Kugan, the Sabah Forestry Department has progressed tremendously in the implementation of sustainable forest management as compared to the last few years.

Profound appreciation goes to all the officers and staff of the department for the hardwork, teamwork and commitment in bringing the department to greater heights, in line with the Hala Tuju Sabah Maju Jaya Development Plan (2021-2025) and Sabah Forest Policy 2018.

Various achievements were accomplished in 2022. The Forest Plantation Development Action Plan (2022-2036) was launched by the Right Honourable Chief Minister during the State-level International Day of Forests, that was held on 25th March.

This Action Plan is in line with the Sabah Maju Jaya Development Plan in transforming forest plantations to generate revenue for the state. The Right Honourable Chief Minister also visited a few of the FMUs in the year 2022, indicating his commitment in forest management.

The department has actively participated in the 19th Malaysian Forestry Conference, held in Kuantan, Pahang, that was officiated by the then Federal Minister of Energy and Natural Resources.

Many tree-planting activities were carried out by the department in support of the Greening Malaysia-100 million tree planting campaign. As of December 2022, a total of 5,401,713 trees were planted (68%).

The 12th FORESS Sports Festival was held in September in Kota Kinabalu to promote healthy lifestyle and team spirit among the department’s staff.

In addition, the PROTECT Team won the marching competition twice this year, during the National Day and TYT’s birthday parades. Other awards won by the department in the year 2022 include the “Most Informative Website” Award, “Best Designed Website” (first runner up) Award, Best 5-star rating for Human Resource Information on Key Perfomance Indicator (SM2), Excellent Human Resource Manager Award, State appreciation for the
excellent implementation of the Majlis Bersama Jabatan (MBJ) and the Chief Minister’s Book Award  (Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka).

The Majlis Apresiasi Perhutanan (MAPT) 2022 was successfully organized and was attended by the Chief Minister and the State Secretary. In 2022, the forest revenue collected had exceeded the target by about 22%.

The department has completed the 620-m long metal canopy boardwalk in Rainforest Discovery Centre, Sepilok which is the longest in Borneo. In December, Sabah’s Heart of Borneo (HoB) Symposium was held in the Sabah International Convention Centre (SICC), Kota Kinabalu, in which the HoB Strategic Plan of Action (2021 -2030) was launched by the  Deputy Chief Minister. Many other onsite official visits, conferences, workshops, seminars, dialogues and meetings were held in 2022.

With the constant support and teamwork from all the officers and staff of the Sabah Forestry Department, the Chief Conservator of Forests is confident that the department would excel in sustainable forest management for the benefit and well-being of the people of Sabah.

The digital version of the Annual Report 2022 is available from the Sabah Forestry Department website: https://forest.sabah.gov.my/images/pdf/publication/annualreport/SFD.AR2022.pdf
It can be sent through the whatsapp application, hence, it is known as the SFD AR2022@fingertips which is in line with the State Government’s initiative towards achieving a digital government through the 5A concept: Accessible by Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere by using Any Device. Hardcopy of the Annual Report will be distributed to relevant agencies when printed within a month.-pr/BNN