PENAMPANG: Its been almost a month now since the flood hit Penampang district causing devastation along the way, washing away belongings, essential items and depositing mud into their homes. The flood victims had many stories to tell of their ordeal, but also praised Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) who came forward to assist them with generous donations such as food baskets, cooking gas tanks and mattresses among others.

Saini Limsin (2nd right) with Juliana (2nd left)

One of the victims, Saini Limsin from Kg Pagansakan recalled the time of the flood which happened as the rain poured down relentlessly. The flood rose up from the nearby river swiftly and Saini, like many others, was caught off guard by the sheer force and speed at which the floodwaters engulfed her home.

She was left in shock as she witnessed her belongings on the ground floor being swallowed by the rising tide. Saini’s parents had warned her about the flood-prone nature of their area, but she had chosen to extend the living area to the ground floor regardless. This ill-fated decision now led to unimaginable losses as the floodwaters mercilessly surged into her home, leaving destruction in its wake.

The sight that greeted Saini was heart-wrenching. The essentials in her kitchen, once neatly arranged and essential for daily life, were now reduced to floating debris. Her groceries, carefully selected to sustain her and her family, now bobbed aimlessly in the muddy water. It was a devastating blow, not only in terms of material possessions but also emotionally as she grappled with the reality of losing everything she had worked so hard for.

“It was a harrowing time and we are just now trying to salvage what we can,” she shared even as she thanked Pertubuhan Pembangunan Kesejahteraan Wanita dan Keluarga (PELITA), loosely translated ‘Organization for the Development of Women and Family Welfare’, who came to her home recently and donated a washing machine to enable her to wash her muddied clothes.

Ritchie (3rd right) receiving the assistance form Juliana (2nd left)

Another individual who was accorded with a washing machine by PELITA was Ritchy Donius, a resident of Kg Madsiang. He shared that he experienced a profound sense of shock and devastation when his beloved home was engulfed by three feet of water during a relentless flood. Forced to evacuate his family to seek refuge at his mother’s house, he was left with nothing but the clothes on his back and a heavy heart.

The flood had taken everything from Ritchy – his cherished possessions, including his fridge and washing machine, were irreparably damaged by the destructive force of the rising waters. It was a heartbreaking loss for him, as years’ worth of accumulated memories and belongings were washed away within a matter of hours.

Amidst this devastating situation, support from PELITA led by its chairperson Datin Juliana Janni materialised, who did not only donated a washing machine but also gave him monetary assistance from her private company.

Irene (2nd left) receiving the washing machine from Juliana (right)

Irene Chung, a resident of Kg Babagon who has endured several floods over the years, described the recent flood as the most devastating she had experienced. Living in close proximity to the Babagon river and a nearby tributary, Irene knew all too well that floods were a recurring issue in her area. Even with her house elevated several feet up the hillside, the floodwaters from both rivers breached her defenses, inundating her home and leaving behind a trail of destruction.

As the floodwaters surged into her house, Irene’s kitchen became a casualty of the disaster. Most of her kitchen utensils, including her washing machine, were lost to the relentless power of the water. The loss of these essential items not only posed practical challenges but also added to the emotional toll Irene was already experiencing.

She was grateful when PELITA donated a washing machine to her as it would help ber tremendously in washing muddied materials in her home.

The family who suffered from the flood with Juliana (2nd left)

In the village of Kiranau, Riga Lenggean found herself at the forefront of a devastating flood that affected not only her but also three other relatives. She described the heart-wrenching sight of her wooden house, which had suffered near-total destruction as the floodwaters relentlessly soaked its walls for hours. Amidst the chaos, she and her husband took refuge on a bunk bed, desperately trying to stay above the rising water level.

Riga recounted the harrowing experience of sitting on the bed, drenched and hungry, as they waited anxiously for the water to subside. It was a moment filled with fear and uncertainty, as they grappled with the reality of losing their home and the basic necessities of life.

With their house in ruins, Riga and her husband sought shelter with her brother, who was fortunate enough to have a house that was less affected by the flood. The sense of relief and gratitude was palpable as they embraced the support and stability offered by their family during this trying time.

Amidst the sense of loss, a ray of hope emerged in the form of assistance from various sources. PELITA, extended a helping hand by providing Riga with RM1000 in financial aid. Her relatives, Veronica Victor, Frennie Victor, and Albert Victor, also received monetary assistance, adding a glimmer of hope to their collective journey of recovery.

The kindness didn’t stop there. Riga expressed her gratitude for the numerous NGOs and individuals who stepped forward to lend a helping hand. Generous donations poured in, including mattresses for a comfortable night’s sleep and planks for the much-needed repairs to their damaged houses. The outpouring of support from these organizations and individuals touched Riga’s heart deeply.

Gratitude echoed throughout the affected community. All the recipients, including Riga and her relatives, expressed their heartfelt appreciation to PELITA and UPKO Women for their visit and assistance. They also acknowledged the countless helping hands and donations from individuals and groups. They recognized the profound impact of such support, not only in meeting their immediate needs but also in fostering stronger community bonds and friendships.

Juliana, the driving force behind the charitable and women’s welfare organisation, expressed her deep satisfaction in being able to provide aid to those in need. Aligned with the organization’s mission, she emphasized her desire to extend assistance to even more individuals and families facing challenging circumstances. To achieve this, she hoped for increased funding that would enable the development of impactful programs benefiting the wider community.

Juliana recognized the significance of funding in creating workshops and training sessions that would impart valuable skills to those seeking to improve their lives. She particularly emphasized the importance of empowering women interested in entrepreneurship, as she firmly believed in the transformative potential that lies within them. By equipping women with the necessary skills and knowledge, she envisioned a positive ripple effect on the entire community.

As a charity and women’s welfare organisation, their mission extended beyond immediate aid. Juliana shared the organisation’s broader goals of enhancing knowledge and capabilities in various fields. They aimed to contribute to the advancement of education, information and communication technology (ICT), social welfare, economic empowerment, health, life skills, and environmental conservation through their comprehensive programs.

In essence, Juliana’s organisation sought to unify the efforts of women in all fields, with a specific focus on charitable and welfare activities. By addressing the diverse needs of the community, they aspired to empower individuals and create a positive impact on society as a whole.

Juliana’s heartfelt commitment to her organisation’s mission and vision resonated through her words. She believed that with increased funding and support, their organisation could make a significant difference in the lives of many, inspiring hope and creating opportunities for individuals to thrive.

Juliana was accompanied by her treasurer Nazlin Jemandan, Penampang UPKO Woman Chief Felimena Andreas and PELITA member Patricia Stephen. -BNN