KOTA KINABALU: A 4X4 Educational Trip to SK Malinsau Ranau was held by La Salle Alumni, SEEDS and IIUM Alumni (Sabah Chapter) on August 28.

The trip was in conjunction with SK Malinsau’s programme for primary 6 pupils in their preparation for the UPSR examination.
The special slot called ‘Pecutan Akhir UPSR’, was a series of motivation programmes targeting schools in rural areas organised by the La Salle alumni’s education bureau headed by Dr Rafiq Idris, a Senior Lecturer at Faculty of Business, Economics and Accountancy, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS).
Besides Dr Rafiq Idris, the programme was collectively handled by the school teacher John Paisal Sadeh the Organisation Kaunselor of Sabah State Education Department, Rafley Abd Rasit (UMS) and another teacher Hairin Mahat.
According to Dr Rafiq the programme hoped to help students to better prepare for the UPSR examination.
“The school has been very supportive and its headmaster Jamain Abd Halim and assistant headmaster Dahim Hj Rahim were gracious.”
With regard to the program’s theme, the theme emphasised on their strategies in the UPSR exam.
“Different activities were also conducted during the half day programme. This included motivation talks and group discussions with facilitators among others.”
This was the third such programme under this 4×4 Educational Trip at SK Malinsau with more programmes for students have been lined up by the bureau.
Dr Rafiq Idris emphasised that the Association of Ex Students of La Salle and Sacred Heart, IIUM Alumni (Sabah Chapter) and SEEDS were very concerned about the education performances of pupils in Sabah and were committed in organising more voluntary motivation programmes in rural areas this year.-BY LSK/BNN