TUARAN: Malaysia Day which is celebrated on September 16 every year carries a significant meaning for every citizen in the country, especially in Sabah.
To residents of Kampung Mengkabong, Tuaran, haze does not stop them from continuing with their unique Malaysia Day celebration that also featured a fishing boat parade by fishermen at Kampung Buansa jetty, Mengkabong River, Tuaran.
Over 100 fishing boats participated in the parade, and they were also participants of a boat race which is also part of the activities in their Malaysia Day celebration.
Sabah Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (BERSATU) Chief, Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Hajiji Haji Noor, who officiated the event, said the villagers translated their love and appreciation through the fishing boat parade carrying Jalur Gemilang and Sabah flag on the river that passes their village and Mengkabong River.
He said the initiative of the villagers and other parties involved in the programme are laudable.
“This is because it can unite every people in the spirit of collaboration to make success of the very meaningful Malaysia Day celebration and it also proof of their support to the fruits of unity enjoyed since long ago,” he said.
Hajiji, who is also Sulaman State Assemblyman, said Kampung Mengkabong is a traditional fishing village that has existed since long time ago.
“What makes me proud is their spirit to take part in celebrating Malaysia Day,” he added.
He was also pleased and proud because Malaysia Day is not only celebrated at the national, state and district-levels, but also the village-level.
Hajiji also urged the people to continue supporting every effort made by the Government in ensuring the agenda to develop and prosper the nation become a reality.
He also urged the people to continue preserving the unity and collaboration for the sake of the beloved Malaysia.
“Malaysians of all races, descents and religious beliefs should appreciate and celebrate the historical Malaysia Day,” he stressed.
Tuaran Assistant District Officer, Encik Awang Yusuf Osman, Encik Rosman Awang (Tuaran Fishermen Association Manager), Encik Roslan Abdullah (Tuaran Farmer Association Chairman) and Encik Hayati Majat (organising chairperson of the Malaysia Day Celebration), were also present.-pr/BNN