KOTA KINABALU:  The Rotary Club of Kota Kinabalu Pearl (RCKK Pearl) held their 8th Installation event at Klagan Hotel Warisan Square, to swear-in for new President Datuk Hjh Aminah Ambrose, and her Board for the Rotary Year of 2022/23 on July 16.

President-Elect Rosie Chong  was the Organising Chairperson for the event.

In her acceptance speech, Datuk Hjh Aminah shared her experience of being involved with
Rotary Clubs in Kota Kinabalu way before she accepted RCKK Pearl’s Charter President Datuk Adeline Leong’s invitation to become a chartered member of the all-women Rotary Club in 2015.

Datuk Hjh Aminah worked alongside the Rotary Club of Likas Bay during the Rotary term of
1998/99, in a “Medical Outreach Programme” to help a few villages in Kudat, as well as
collaborating with KPJ Healthcare for the same programme.

Due to her many involvements in various charitable organisations/NGOs for humanitarian works, Datuk Hjh Aminah was recognized with the Rotary award for “Outstanding Humanitarian Service” in 2003 by the Rotary Club of Luyang, and again in May 2011 by the Rotary Club of Kota Kinabalu, the oldest Rotary Club in Sabah.

Every new Rotary term has a different theme, and the theme for this new term 2022/23 is
IMAGINE ROTARY for the good of humanity. Datuk Hjh Aminah expressed her hopes that she and her new Board of Club Officers will be able to carry this theme successfully through the various existing community service projects of RCKK Pearl.

The projects include (01) Project REAL (Rural-focused English for All), a Club signature project that was initiated by RCKK Pearl’s Past President Datuk Hjh Noni Said, and aims at uplifting the quality of English language among rural elementary school children so they can compete with their more English-savvy urban counterparts for chances at furthering their education, as well as finding good employment in future.

Among the benefits of Project REAL is the provision of an English Corner in selected rural elementary schools that is set up by RCKK Pearl complete with donations of suitable English language reading materials, as well as English dictionaries for each of the school children. This project is in line with Rotary”s 5th Area of Focus which is

“Basic Education & Literacy”. Several schools are already in the pipeline, four of which are in Kudat, four in Tenom, and four more schools in Keningau and Kuala Penyu.

Another Project is WASH (Water and Sanitation, which is the 3rd Area of Focus for Rotary) at several villages in Ranau including SK. Kawiyan & Kg. Paka.

Among the benefits the project provides is expertise and materials for works to enlarge existing dams surrounding natural water sources at the villages, and in SK Kawiyan’s case, providing basic sanitation through building new school toilets.

For this service project, RCKK Pearl collaborated with other Rotary Clubs namely the Rotary Club of Changi Singapore, the Rotary Club of Bandar Seri Begawan Brunei, and the Rotary Club of Likas Bay Kota Kinabalu.

Currently, the WASH project committee is carrying out a needs assessment on Kg Kirokot and Kg Kilanas Lama, all in Ranau district, for feasibility of water works in the near future.

The third Project Hope In Sight, is in line with Rotary’s 2nd Area of Focus that is “Disease Prevention and Treatment”. This project collaboration with Dr Terence Soong of EyeMedics Specialist Eye Centre Kota Kinabalu has been giving free cataract surgeries to women under B40 category, and so far the Clinic has operated on 14 eyes.

Besides all the existing service projects that are ongoing, RCKK Pearl also make annual visits during Christmas to Hospital Wanita dan Kanak Kanak Likas, and to any chosen Children’s Centre during Hari Raya Aidilfitri to cheer the children with gifts of storybooks, stationeries, and Raya cash packets. RCKK Pearl also look out for underprivileged families badly affected with the economic downturn that followed the covid-19 pandemic by giving out basic food supplies and toiletries to identified families who qualify for the food aid. RCKK Pearl also donated food aid as well as units of EZ-Cap water filters to villages affected by the destructive mud floods that occurred in mid September 2021 in Penampang’s Sugud-Maang area, during the club’sOutgoing President Majella Marjorie Tan Marquez’s term last year.

The recipient villages were namely Kg. Timpangoh, Kg. Mahansung, Kg. Kodou and Kg. Kaanapan.

All of RCKK Pearl’s community service works are funded by various sources, including special Grants from Rotary District 3310 itself, as well as corporations, organisations, generous individuals who support the Rotary service missions, and from members of RCKK Pearl itself.

It is Datuk Hjh Aminah’s hope that the Club will continue to receive public support in all areas of its community service projects through generous donations so as to ensure continuity of such projects in future, for the benefit of communities in need.

She also looks forward for public participation in the Rotary movement to end polio disease worldwide, through the “Step-Up to End Polio Now” fund-raising programme that starts on 20th August till 16th October 2022, in conjunction with the “World End Polio Day” that falls on 24th October 2022.

The eight week programme aims to raise funds to aid polio vaccination for children worldwide.

At the same time, RCKK Pearl’s Immediate Past President from term 2021/22, Majella Marjorie Tan Marquez said in her farewell speech that she will continue to work alongside the new Club regime to ensure that the Club continues to make an impact in its humanitarian works, and wishes the new regime of leadership under Datuk Hjh Aminah Ambrose all the best.

In a video recorded message that was aired during the installation event, the new District 3310 Governor for 2022/23 (DG) Joanne Kam applauded Outgoing President Majella and her Board of 2021/22 for having achieved 100% the District citation goals, and for all the
service activities that has made a great impact on local communities, as well as welcoming the new Club President Datuk Hjh Aminah Ambrose and her Board of 2022/23. DG Joanne urged the Club to adhere to Rotary International’s new initiative, the “Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity” (DEI) code of conduct that provides a supportive framework for how Rotary members can create and maintain an environment that is non-bias, collaborative, positive and healthy for everyone, as well as respecting the vocations of each Rotarian no matter how humble.

The DEI code of conduct asks every Rotarian to use respectful language, be supportive of one another, as well as fostering a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere within every Rotary Clubs. This is to ensure that every Rotary Club continue to expand and grow in membership, which in turn will ensure that Rotary continues to make an impact on communities worldwide.

DG Joanne also urged the Club to make full use of fundings from Rotary District Grants as well as Global Grants for use in either local or international community service projects, and to make The Rotary Foundation (TRF) as every Rotarians choice of charity. DG Joanne ended her video message with an invitation to join the annual Rotary District Conference (DISCON) that will take place in Phuket from 12th to 14th May 2023.

DISCON is an event that marks the cumulative efforts and hard work of every Rotary Clubs for District 3310, and is also when achievements of exceptional Rotary Clubs are acknowledged and awarded.

The Guest of Honour for the event was Rotary District 3310’s Past District Governor Philip
Chong from the Rotary Club of Likas Bay, with his spouse Madam Len Nyuk. There were also other distinguished guests who came to support the event, among whom was Past
District 3310 Governor Datuk Hj Zainie Aucasa from the Rotary Club of Kota Kinabalu, the
sponsor Club of RCKK Pearl.-pr/BNN