KOTA KINABALU: Many people believe that organic foods have better and more beneficial nutrients and are more natural due to the absence of pesticides and herbicides.

Organic vegetables are grown without chemical based fertilisers and more often than not fertilisers used are nature based such as soil, chicken droppings and vegetable matter among others.
One of the organic farm called Green-OS sited in Kinarut just half an hour drive from the State Capital, Kota Kinabalu offers vegetables and chicken to health conscious consumers here.
According to spokesperson Jinnifer Missi Operations Manager of Echo Adventures, although they do not sell the farm produce to walk in consumers, they do supply supermarkets and restaurants instead.

In fact it supplies the farm’s affiliate establishment Alu Alu kitchen sited at Kolombong, Inanam with its produce which includes vegetables and chicken.
The farm is sited on seven acres of land, with two acres of developed area. Within the farm there are vegetable areas of various growth including the nursery to the vegetable beds where they are ready to be picked. The vegetables are quite luscious and lush which belie opinions that natural organic plants are smaller than the chemically fertilised plants. This is because the vegetables are fertilised with composted organic matter, with soil and processed oil palm fibres.

Besides the vegetable area, they also have a herb garden with plants like pandanus and basils among others.
There are also chicken and quails available in the farm. They are well fed and fat but quite muscled as the range is on a hill slope. The chicken have to run up and down the hill as they are fed at the bottom but the coop are up on the hill. This is to ensure that they are well built and healthy. The quails are also quite big although they are cooped up.

When the farm produce reaches the restaurant, namely Alu Alu Kicthen, diners can be assured of good delicious food due to the expertise of the chefs and of course it is naturally organic. The vegetables are fresh, luscious and crunchy even after being fried and the chicken is fleshy and hard without being tough. A good combination. There are an array of food offered at Alu Alu Kitchen and should really be visited by health conscious diners.
For those who are curious about where their food originated from they can ask to visit Green Os farm. Only 40 people can enter the farm at any one time and there is only one tour a day. This is a working farm and the staff have their schedule to meet in taking care of the livestock and the vegetables. They can inquire from Echo Adventures about visiting.-BNN