KOTA KINABALU: Bersih Sabah is appalled at the dishonourable behaviours by political parties after the recent election.
A statement issued by Bersih Sabah stated that they observed the Sabah political parties’ behaviour thoroughly with growing indignance.
It stated that initially no political parties made a move to form the new government, until Parti Warisan Sabah stated that Parti Solidariti Tanah Airku (STAR) supported them to form the new state government.
STAR later changed their decision and supported Barisan Nasional (BN).
“Soon after, we were shocked to read that five State Assemblymen from UPKO supported Warisan, and later on, it was confirmed that three UPKO Assemblymen and two UMNO Assemblymen stated their support for (Warisan Chief) Shafie Apdal.”
Bersih Sabah reminded all political party candidates to hold on to the principle and trust from the ‘rakyat’ who voted them based on the logo that they contested under. The ‘frog’ culture only serves to destroy democracy because the people will judge the political candidates as dishonest, opportunists, and have betrayed the voters’ mandate.
“What the ‘rakyat’ want is change, not only in terms of changing the governing party, but also any changes that must be done, according to democratic principle and accountability. In short, the honesty of political players in playing their roles to developing the state.”
Sabah, as well as Malaysia in general, needs a strong opposition party to conduct the check and balance to ensure the new government carries out its responsibilities towards the ‘rakyat’ with great transparency and diligence.
Bersih Sabah urges the party that command the majority of State Seats to be allowed to form the state government with great urgency. The 2-Chief Minister situation should not have happened.
Bersih Sabah also protests the actions of winning candidates jumping into other parties. The candidates must realise that they were voted based on the party logo, principles and election manifesto promoted by their respective parties.
“If they want to switch camps and join other political parties, they should step down and allow for by-elections to take place to see if they truly capture the support of the ‘rakyat’.”
Bersih Sabah hopes that the new state government will practice a governance of high accountability and transparency, as well as fair and professional ethics.
The outdated political culture left behind by Barisan Nasional (BN) should be discarded and replaced with a more developed political culture and meets the principles of good governance and uphold human rights to protect human dignity.-pr/BNN