KOTA KINABALU: Twenty-one Rungus beauties will vie for the Gimpuhut title during the Mitarab Gimpuhut Magahau (MGM) 2019 on August 3, at Matunggong Community Hall.
The beauty pageant held in conjunction with the Magahau Festival 2019, will feature contestants in authentic traditional costumes and they will also speak in their own mother tongue.
Jose Modsinupu, the Chairman of the Magahau Festival organising committee said prior to the finals, the contestants visited the Sabah State Museum to familiarise themselves with the establishment.
They also visited an orphanage in Tuaran. After the visit they attended a gala night at the Wisma Tun Fuad, where they paraded their costume. This gala night was graced by Datuk Wilfred Tangau, Minister of Trade and Industry.
Jose said, besides the beauty pageant, a singing contest will also be held where winners of the various participating zones such as Kota Kinabalu, Beluran, Kota Marudu, Labuan, Kota Belud, Pitas, Matunggung, Johor and Kudat, among others, will pit their talent against one another.
Besides that winners of the Mitarab dot Band (Battle of the Band) will show their prowess during the event.
Other events expected to be held during the event is the celebration this year also the Rungus sundatang innovation (musical instrument) as well as playing the Sundatang.
Jose said more than 500 people are expected to attend the event but believed that more would turn up to witness the festival.
The Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Shafie Apdal is expected to officiate in the event.-BNN